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Dr Erica Morris

Dr Erica J Morris is a Principal Fellow of Advance HE (formerly the Higher Education Academy), an Academic Associate for Advance HE and a Higher Education Consultant working on the Degree Standards project, which is focused on the professional development of external examiners.
Advance HE
Job Title
Higher Education Consultant and Academic Associate

Dr Erica J Morris is a Principal Fellow of Advance HE (formerly the Higher Education Academy), an Academic Associate for Advance HE and a Higher Education Consultant working on the Degree Standards project, which is focused on the professional development of external examiners. She was the Higher Education Academy’s Academic Lead for this national programme (2016-2018) and has previously led a range of initiatives in higher education, including the Grade Point Average project (2013-15), Transforming Assessment for Higher Education (HEA, 2011-14) and the Academy Jisc Academic Integrity Service (2009-11). Erica serves on the editorial board for the International Journal of Educational Integrity and has published in the fields of academic integrity and student plagiarism; assessment and feedback; statistics education; and technology-enhanced learning. She has worked at Anglia Ruskin University, the Open University, UK and the University of Sussex.