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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
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NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Job Title:Head of Social Work and Social Care
Institution: University of Sussex
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Since 2013 Dr Michelle Lefevre has led the department which has topped The Guardian University Guide league table for social work for two years in a row, having been appointed as a teaching fellow at the University of Sussex in 2000, lecturer in 2003, and senior lecturer in 2009. Michelle has taught and convened courses across all academic levels (BA, MA, Doctoral) and for students on both qualifying-level and continuing professional development (CPD) courses.
Job Title:Head of Educational Development
Institution: Plymouth University
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Professor Debby Cotton has played a leading role in teaching, learning and pedagogic research developments at Plymouth University, supporting the four successful Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and shaping the Pedagogic Research Institute and Observatory which continues their work. She is best known for her work on 'Education for Sustainability and the Hidden Curriculum', research which started with her doctorate exploring the teaching of controversial environmental issues.
Job Title:Director of Postgraduate Studies
Institution: Keele University
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Dr Kay Mohanna is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and is a senior lecturer at Keele University School of Medicine. She leads a team of award directors responsible for all masters level study, is Chair of the Postgraduate Committee and Chair of the School of Medicine Teaching and Learning Committee. Kay is also co-director of the Keele Clinical Leadership Academy which works with over 1,500 students annually on multi-professional healthcare leadership training and development.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in English (TESOL)
Institution: Aston University
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Dr Sue Garton's approach to learning and teaching has developed as a result of more than 30 years experience as an English language teacher and teacher educator, working with learners and teachers from all over the world in a wide variety of contexts.
Job Title:Deputy Head of Surrey Business School
Institution: University of Surrey
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Professor Andy Adcroft is responsible for the design and development of the Business Schools programmes at all levels and his work focuses on the creation of innovative ways to engage students and embed business practice in the curriculum.
Job Title:Reader in Healthcare Education
Institution: University of Bristol
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Trevor is an inner-city GP and Head of Teaching at the University of Bristol's Centre for Academic Primary Care. He is currently engaged in a wide-ranging reform of medical education at Bristol, heading up work on vertical themes including that of 'Medical Humanities and Whole Person Care'. His passion is for educational interventions that inform, challenge and inspire. When not at work he is at play with boats, bikes and books.
Job Title:Director of Student Development and Access
Institution: University of Reading
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Dr Patricia (Paddy) Woodman was appointed to her current senior position in recognition of her outstanding contributions in the areas of both student development and access over recent years. Her professional career has been devoted to creating life-wide learning opportunities for students, academic colleagues and the community, through her early career in adult education (life-long learning), drive to embed experiential learning (learning through life) within and alongside the degree curricula, championing of diversity and inclusion (reducing barriers to opportunity for all); to her dedication to the professional development of colleagues (professional learning).
Job Title:Principal Lecturer (Learning and Teaching)
Institution: University of Sunderland
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Dr Diane Westwood has a key learning and teaching role in her University's Faculty of Applied Sciences and is a member of its Psychology department. In her department, she has promoted a focus on 'culture and environment', encouraging student-centred approaches and co-curricular opportunities, and developing a physical environment to support them. Diane introduced the University's first problem-based learning (PBL) module, evaluated its effectiveness as part of a national project and received a University Innovation Challenge Award for the work.
Job Title:Subject Group Leader in Mathematics
Institution: Sheffield Hallam University
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Dr Jeff Waldock has worked at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) since 1987, having previously spent six years as a research associate in Ionospheric Physics at Leicester University. This followed a first degree and PGCE in Mathematics, and a PhD in Physics.
Job Title:Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching)
Institution: University of Surrey
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Alongside his role as Associate Dean in the Faculty of Arts & Human Sciences, Dr Simon Usherwood is a Senior Lecturer in Politics. Despite this job title, Simon fell into Politics as a subject almost by accident: a chance conversation with a lecturer on his Modern European Studies degree at University College London resulted in him taking a masters in European Politics at the College of Europe in Bruges and then on to the London School of Economics for a PhD on euroscepticism.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice
Institution: University of Bradford
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Simon Tweddell has been teaching at the University of Bradford since 1997, starting part-time initially as a pharmacist teacher-practitioner, and then taking a full-time academic appointment in 2001. During his time at Bradford School of Pharmacy he has been Programme Leader, Head of Division and Director of Learning and Teaching.
Job Title:Executive Dean, Faculty of Health and Social Science
Institution: Bournemouth University
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Professor Stephen Tee Recently appointed as Executive Dean for the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at Bournemouth University, Stephen draws upon his Registered Mental Health Nurse expertise, having worked for almost 30 years in the sector, including working clinically for 12 years, predominantly with people experiencing acute and long-term mental health problems.