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Member Project 23-24 - Generative AI: Beyond Assessment

This member benefit takes us beyond current debates on AI and assessment to consider in-depth other ways the technology will impact higher education and the communities we serve.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world at an unprecedented pace, and higher education is no exception. The big challenge for higher education concerning AI is not simply what changes it will bring but the speed at which it will happen. How can we prepare our students for the future of work and society in the age of AI, and how do we remain 'fit for purpose'? 

We have seen considerable concentration on assessment in higher education over the last year, but we must widen the conversation. We need to focus on employability, and ensuring that our students can find jobs and giving them the skills to adapt to a quickly changing world.

Charles Knight, Assistant Director, Knowledge and Innovation and project lead, introduces the project below.


This project is relevant to: All members

Job functions: Academics, Learning Designers and Technologists, Employability and Careers Staff, Student Experience, Middle Management and Senior Leaders.

Explore the individual projects


AI Garage - Creating the Future Now

By collecting and curating cutting-edge practice examples, we aim to provide insights into AI's current and future possibilities for enhancing teaching, learning, research and administration.

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AI Futures from the Ground Up

This benefit explores how AI will transform the higher education sector from a bottom-up perspective. It will consist of three round tables, each building on the insights and feedback from the previous one.

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AI for Student Success and Employability

This project aims to create a dialogue between external stakeholders like industry and regulatory bodies collaborating with higher education institutions (HEIs) on artificial intelligence.

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Output - Reflective report

This short report is a high-level analysis of various AI-centric projects undertaken within HEIs. The data for this analysis was collected as part of a member benefit project entitled “AI Garage”, where the ‘garage’ can either be taken as a metaphor for the creativity of a garage band or as an allusion to how many technology innovations claim to be created in a garage.
Read the report

Output - Explore the Submissions

Submissions to the AI Garage will appear in the Knowledge Hub. Use the Garage to explore and understand the breadth of cutting-edge practice of AI in different contexts.

Please note that we update the AI Garage on a rolling basis to ensure we have a regular flow of new projects. It may take a month or two to appear in the garage.
Explore the AI Garage

Practice Submission

We showcase some monthly contributors to talk more in-depth about what they are doing. This is an excellent opportunity to highlight your work, network with other practitioners, and learn from each other. We were interested in submissions from any discipline in any part of the world - the only exception is that we aren't interested in projects on assessment or academic integrity. Your project doesn't have to involve students - just AI in an higher education context.

This is now closed for submissions.


Charles Knight

Assistant Director, Knowledge & Innovation
Advance HE
Charles Knight
Charles is an academic leader with a proven track record of delivery in the areas of learning teaching and enterprise. Before joining Advance HE, he was Associate Dean (Student Experience) at Salford Business School where he worked with colleagues to introduce a series of innovative practices including short technical qualifications, block teaching and an increased emphasis on the use of simulations and experimental learning.
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Output  - Round tables

These interactive round table events explored how AI will transform the higher education sector from a bottom-up perspective. We brought together three different groups within higher education, starting from students, teachers and researchers, each discussion built on the insights and feedback from the previous one.

Output  - Reflections and Recommendations report

This report presents the main findings and insights from three round tables organised by Advance HE, where experts and practitioners discussed the opportunities and challenges of integrating AI into Higher Education. Based on the round table discussions, the report offers some recommendations for enhancing the quality and effectiveness of AI-enhanced practice in Higher Education.
Read the report


Vic Stephenson

Senior Consultant - Education
Advance HE
Vic Stephenson
Vic is a Senior Consultant at Advance HE, designing and delivering support and training on inclusive pedagogy approaches and leading a range of collaborative projects to enhance quality, student experience and outcomes. She has over 25 years of experience in education as a teacher, teacher trainer, academic manager and assessment specialist. Vic’s main interests are in international education, inclusive curricula and assessment design and technology-enhanced learning.
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Online forum : The Perspective from Accrediting, Public, Regulatory and Statutory Bodies, and Employers

Wednesday 8 May 2024 | 10:00 - 11:30 am

Employers and PSRBs (Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies) play a key role in shaping the standards and expectations of Higher Education. They accredit courses, endorse qualifications, and support the development of skills and competencies for various professions. This webinar will discuss how AI transforms how employers and professional bodies and other statutory and regulatory bodies operate and interact with Higher Education Institutions. We will explore AI's opportunities and challenges for enhancing quality assurance, curriculum design, assessment, and lifelong learning.


Henrietta Mbeah-Bankas

Head of Portfolio, NHS England
Henrietta Mbeah-Bankas
Henrietta was previously the Topol Technology Review Project Lead and a Clinical Nursing Fellow (Research and Evaluation) at NHS England/ Improvement. She is a Registered Mental Health Nurse, a Darzi Fellow Alumnus, and an NHS Clinical Entrepreneur.

Dr Matthew Forshaw

Reader in Data Science
Newcastle University
Dr Matthew Forshaw
Dr Matthew Forshaw SFHEA is a Senior Advisor for Skills at The Alan Turing Institute. He is advisor to the Government for the National Data Strategy and National AI Strategy.

Nathan Hardwick

Creative Director and Writer, SFEDI Group
Nathan Hardwick
Nathan Hardwick is an educational innovator and pivotal figure in enterprise learning as the driving force behind SFEDI Group. Renowned for founding the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs (IOEE) in 2010, Nathan has consistently advanced the interface between education, SMEs and entrepreneurship.

Output - Online forum 1: The Careers and Employability Perspective

Date: 7 March 2024, 10 am GMT
In the first forum, we explored the impact of artificial intelligence on Careers education and support, both expert-led and ‘mainstreamed’ across various fields and professions. We brought together experts from different domains to share their insights and experiences on how AI is transforming their work processes, challenges and opportunities. We also discussed what kind of competencies and qualifications are required for the future workforce in the era of AI.

Project Leads

Stuart Norton, PFHEA

Senior Consultant, Education
Advance HE
Stuart Norton
Stuart has over 18 years’ experience within higher education with extensive experience in designing and developing strategic, institutional-wide change. In his role as Senior Consultant, Education at Advance HE, he focuses on both thought leadership and providing evidence-based solutions to support institutions, educators and students.

Professor Mark O Hara

Senior Consultant, Education
Advance HE
Mark O'Hara
Professor Mark O’Hara is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a National Teaching Fellow and a winner of the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence in the UK. Mark is a former Chair of the UK’s CATE-Network and has over 30 years’ experience leading educational change in a wide variety of roles including undergraduate and postgraduate programme leadership, Head of Student Experience, Associate Dean for Learning, Teaching and Academic Quality and Associate PVC (Education).
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Additional resources 

Dr Kay Hack, Lead consultant, Education at Advance HE, and Professor Rachel Dunscome, visiting professor in digital health leadership at Imperial College London, and CEO of OpenEHR discuss Generative AI and its role in the healthcare sector and wider impact on higher education.

Integrity in the era of Generative AI: cocreating principles for ethical practice in Learning, Teaching and Assessment

This report captures the perspectives of academics on generative AI from three events held at the University of Galway in Ireland, Aga Khan University in Kenya, and the British Council in the UK. These events brought together a diverse range of educators and leaders from various countries. Participatory approaches were used to gather insights from all participants.

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An Advance HE member benefit

Member Projects are part of Advance HE's member benefits for the 2023-24 membership year. Click below to see the full range of benefits available.

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