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Sign up to Advance HE communications

Our monthly newsletters contain the latest news from Advance HE, updates from around the sector, links to articles sharing knowledge and good practice and information on our services and upcoming events. Don't miss out, sign up to our newsletters now.

Advance HE produces regular emails designed to provide you with the latest news, views, and information on services and events. These include:


Advance HE monthly newsletters

Our monthly newsletters are focused on our four main areas of expertise - Teaching and Learning, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership and Management and Effective Governance. They provide the latest news and blogs, reports and publications, our latest service offerings and details of our upcoming programmes and events.

Keeping you up to date with our services and events

To support you through your professional development and institutional strategic priorities Advance HE keeps you informed of our services and upcoming programmes and events at key points in the calendar.

Highlighting key resources when you need them

We will contact you with the latest resources, whether these are blogs, Advance HE reports or key dates to look out for in the sector. We ensure these are provided only if we think they are relevant to you and when these will have the greatest impact in your professional activities.

Governance Bulletin and News Alerts

These are designed to provide an easy way for governors, university secretaries and clerks and all those supporting or interested in governance in HE to keep abreast of news likely to affect their work, blogs, as well as support including upcoming governance events and useful resources and publications.