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Governor Development Programme (GDP)

We have a number of events available as part of our Governor Development Programme. These events have been designed to help you to develop and refine your skills in response to a rapidly changing environment.

The Governor Development Programme (GDP) was created in 2005 and built on the earlier initiatives of the Committee of University Chairs (CUC). The programme is designed to support Governors and governance professionals in all HE institutions throughout the UK and various events are held throughout the year.

GDP has been designed to address a broad range of needs across governance, while many of our events may be specifically relevant to those involved in particular aspects or roles within governance, anyone in HE who is interested is welcome to attend any event. Additional topical events will be added throughout the year to help address the evolving HE Governance environment. In order to provide this selection of events and seminars, we work in partnership with a number of key organisations including CUC, AHEP, Guild HE and NUS.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Governance Events Date More information
GDP Student Governor 1 11 September 2024 Find out more
GDP Induction to Higher Education Governance for new Governors 1 9 October 2024 Find out more
GDP New Governors of Scottish HEIs 23 October 2024 Find out more
GDP New Governors of ROI HEIs 6 November 2024 Find out more
GDP Role and Responsibilities of Staff Governors 14 November 2024 Find out more
Governance Conference 2024: Transformation in HE - governing with humanity 4 December 2024 Find out more
GDP Governance Professionals in HE 21 January 2025 Find out more
GDP Student Governor 2 22 January 2025 Find out more
GDP Leading The Board 26 February 2025 Find out more
GDP Audit & Risk Committee 12 March 2025 Find out more
GDP Induction to Higher Education Governance for new Governors 2 9 April 2025 Find out more
GDP Governance in Wales 30 April 2025 Find out more
GDP Clerks & Secretaries Network Event 14 May 2025 Find out more
GDP Governance in Scotland Symposium 21 May 2025 Find out more
GDP Student Experience and Academic Assurance 25 June 2025 Find out more

NEW programmes, conferences and events portfolio for 2024-25

Our new portfolio for 2024-25 blends high-quality learning and insight-sharing opportunities delivered using a range of innovative techniques and platforms both in person and virtually. If your organisation is an Advance HE member you could benefit from a 25% discount on booking prices across our portfolio.

Download your copy
Programmes and Events brochure 2024-25

Evolving higher education governance brochure

Our new Evolving higher education governance 2023-24 brochure details our support for boards, governance professionals and individual governors. Find out more about our consultancy and enhancement services, the dates for our Governor Development Programme 2023-24 and upcoming exclusive content and projects for Advance HE members.

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Evolving higher education governance brochure image

Plan your professional development for 2024-25 using our Development Planner

Whether you are looking to enhance your practice, share insights or identify the next step in your professional development, by answering only a few short questions our new Development Planner will guide you to a range of development opportunities that meet your requirements. Try it today.

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GDP provides an opportunity for Governors to hear from sector experts, to network with peers from other institutions and to explore in detail key issues impacting the sector and institutions.

The portfolio is designed to support all Governors, including Student and Staff Governors, board Chairs and those with oversight for governance of HE providers. Events are also tailored to the policy landscape and the distinct circumstances in each home nation.

To help you find the support best suited to your needs, we have aligned our events to the Governor's Pathway:

Scotland and Wales

Events are also tailored to the policy landscape and the distinct circumstances in each home nation. These events offer an opportunity for governors from Scottish and Welsh institutions to examine some of the distinctive features of the higher education system within a national context.

Scotland New Governors

This event offers an opportunity for those new to the position to examine the particular facets of Scottish Governance, exchange good practice and network with peers from other institutions. Student Governors of Scottish institutions are also welcome.
Find out more and book

GDP Wales

Our GDP Wales event reflects the shared identity and diverse needs of the Welsh HE sector. The day will provide an opportunity to explore topical features of governance in the Welsh HE landscape, allowing attendees to explore issues and challenges and respond to the latest developments.
Find out more and book

GDP Scotland

Our GDP Scotland event provides a state-of-the-nation view on governance in HE, with a particular take on the emerging impact of the legislation on governance in Scottish HE institutions.
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Programme facilitator

Aaron Porter

Associate Director (Governance)
Advance HE
Aaron leads on Advance HE governance activity through the delivery of our national Governor Development Programme which engages with around 900 governors across the UK on an annual basis. He has extensive experience leading reviews of over 25 governing boards. Aaron was previously President of the National Union of Students (NUS) and also chair of trustees for the organisation.
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GDP Induction to HE Governance for New Governors - Virtual