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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
NTFS Allyship Scheme badge

NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Job Title:Assistant Professor
Institution: University of Nottingham
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Dr Gabriele Neher is a non-British art historian with a passion for modes of language. For her, being originally someone who lacked the language and social literacy to 'fit' into the university context, and needing to find the codes of language to express herself both socially and academically, had a profound impact on her own pedagogy.
Job Title:Subject Leader Artist, Designer: Maker
Institution: Cardiff Metropolitan University
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
From 2008-2013 Ingrid Murphy led the world-renowned Ceramic department at Cardiff Metropolitan University. In 2011, based on her own research, she led the development of the 'Maker' subject focusing on fusing traditional craft skills with new and emerging processes in digital design and fabrication.
Job Title:Professor of Creative Writing and Transcultural Literature
Institution: Lancaster University
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Professor Graham Mort founded Lancaster University's Centre for Transcultural Writing and Research. A prizewinning poet and short story writer, his academic career was preceded by training as a teacher and work as a freelance writer in education specialising in multilingual and multi-arts projects. He has worked extensively in sub-Saharan Africa for the British Council, designing and directing mentoring projects in creative writing for print-media and radio broadcast. 
Job Title:Principal Lecturer (Student Experience) and University Teaching Fellow
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Prior to his current role in the School of Law Marc Howe was a Principal Lecturer in Litigation at the Oxford Institute of Legal Practice. He is a former practising solicitor and secondary English teacher. A Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, at the heart of Marc's teaching philosophy  is the desire to bring the study of law to life combined with a commitment to experiential learning. His teaching seeks to bridge the academic and the professional in the context of the curriculum and extra-curricular activity.
Job Title:Associate Professor in Applied Music (Education, Community and Health)
Institution: York St John University
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
With her enthusiastic and passionate commitment for music, Dr Liz Mellor supports and inspires students not only to achieve their own goals, but also to reach out to others, so that they too can aspire, believe and achieve their own potential.
Job Title:Professor of Legal Education
Institution: The University of Manchester
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Institution at the time of award: University of Sheffield. Professor Claire McGourlay displays an active interest in the development of approaches to teaching that influence, motivate and inspire students to learn. She works in a number of mediums to motivate and inspire her students and is more than an academic who nurtures a passionate interest in the law - she is a dedicated teacher, enthusiastic and positive.
Job Title:Professor of Entrepreneurship
Institution: Lancaster University
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Institution at time of award: University of Leeds. Professor Nigel Lockett is passionate about enterprise and the positive role it can play in economic growth and social change. His current leadership roles at at Lancaster University enable enable him to build and support a community of academics, professionals, entrepreneurs and alumni committed to providing exceptional enterprise opportunities to students and graduates.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience and Scientific Ethics
Institution: University of Leeds
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
A deep commitment to developing students as individuals underlies Dr Dave Lewis' approach to student education. He uses interactive approaches to stimulate his students curiosity with science and the underlying ethical implications and inspire them to want to discover more. Students have commented: "Dr Lewis drive to motivate others to learn is so apparent. Doesn't just spoon-feed but encourages you to think for yourselves as scientists to find out the answers." "His interactive approach challenges students to realise the full implications of the material."
Job Title:Programme Leader, Food Design and Technology
Institution: Liverpool John Moores University
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Wendy Johnston's transition from industry to education has been the foundation of her teaching approach and through collaboration and partnership she has brought industry into her classroom and taken her students out into the real world. The Vice Chancellor states "Wendys partnership links with food industry partners has enabled the university to work with commercial companies to ensure the student experience is at the cutting edge of practice, academically and practically".
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Mathematics
Institution: University of the West of England
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Dr Karen Henderson has held her current role since 1995 and became a University of the West of England (UWE) Learning & Teaching Fellow in 2012.
Dr Momna Hejmadi
Job Title:Associate Pro Vice Chancellor (Education)
Institution: University of Bath
Year: 2015
NTFS Ally, supporting applications from: Staff from a minority ethnic background
Since winning the NTFS award in 2015, Momna was promoted to Professor of Bioscience Education in 2019 and appointed as Associate Dean of Education, responsible for strategic and academic leadership in learning, teaching and student experience for all taught courses in the Faculty of Science. In 2023, she moved to a new role as Associate Pro VC Education, taking on leadership of Education Quality and Enhancement across the University, including widening participation and Admissions policy.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader
Institution: Staffordshire University
Year: 2015
National Teaching Fellow 2015
Dr Alke Gröppel-Wegener's main role is to teach students in creative studio-based disciplines how to research and write - a challenge that she tackles through highly visual and engaged sessions.