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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
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NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Job Title:Professor of Higher Education, School of Education
Institution: University of Nottingham
Year: 2013
National Teaching Fellow 2013
Professor Sarah Speight is an archaeologist working within an academic school of education. These two disciplines jointly form her guiding principles: that teaching and learning must have relevance to real lives, and that what and how people learn should enable them to make a worthwhile contribution to society.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Midwifery
Institution: University of Bradford
Year: 2013
National Teaching Fellow 2013
Dr Jacquelyn Haigh began working in midwifery education in 1997 following a ten-year career as a clinical midwife, specialising in intrapartum care. During this time she completed the advanced diploma in midwifery leading to BHSc with the University of Leeds. Jacquelyn went on to complete an MSc in Health Professional Education at the University of Huddersfield and a PhD in Higher Education at Lancaster University.
Job Title:Deputy Director (Academic), The Community University Partnership Programme
Institution: University of Brighton
Year: 2013
National Teaching Fellow 2013
Dr Juliet Millican has been developing student community engagement programmes at the university since 2004. She was initially employed as a consultant before joining the Community University Partnership Programme (CUPP) in 2006 as a development manager.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer
Institution: University of Sunderland
Year: 2013
National Teaching Fellow 2013
Dr Maddalena Taras has a passionate interest in assessment and student learning. As a University Teaching Fellow, she developed, implemented and evaluated an innovative model of student self-assessment. This was used across Faculties, subject areas and levels at her own institution, where it has played an important part in enhancing the student learning experience.
Job Title:Deputy Provost Academic Development
Institution: University of Roehampton
Year: 2013
National Teaching Fellow 2013
Professor Julie Hall has ensured that the student voice plays a central part in higher education. She has championed a university-wide focus on student partnership working which has brought her institution national and international recognition. For Julie, dialogue is absolutely key to enhancing the university experience.
Job Title:Assistant Professor
Institution: University of Warwick
Year: 2013
National Teaching Fellow 2013
Dr Nicholas Monk is Deputy Director of the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) and recipient of Warwick's 2008-09 Butterworth Award for Teaching Excellence. Before receiving his PhD from Warwick in 2007, he studied at Rutgers University in the US where he received an MA in 2003.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Childhood Studies
Institution: University of Sunderland
Year: 2013
National Teaching Fellow 2013
During her time at Sunderland Dr Wendy Thorley has been involved in several programmes as a consultant and programme leader.
Job Title:Principal Lecturer in Work-Based Learning & Head of Workforce Development (Research & Policy)
Institution: Teesside University
Year: 2013
National Teaching Fellow 2013
Originally an English Literature scholar, Dr Ruth Helyer made the transition into work-based learning when working with a wide range of non-traditional students in outreach classes. She was an avid believer in the power and potential of lifelong learning and, as a mature student, experienced first-hand the powerful synergy of bringing considerable workplace experience to HE study.
Job Title:Educational Designer, University Teaching Fellow
Institution: University of Leicester
Year: 2013
National Teaching Fellow 2013
At the University of Leicester Alex Moseley has had extensive experience in teaching, learning and research: principally in course design and development, but also in the Humanities and games-based spheres.
Job Title:Head of Academic Disciplines, The Higher Education Academy
Institution: Higher Education Academy
Year: 2013
Dr John Unsworth worked for the HEA between November 2015 and July 2017 where he was responsible for discipline development and engagement. Prior to joining the HEA John was Director of Nursing Programmes at Northumbria University. He has a background in primary and community care having been a Nurse Director in a geographically large Primary Care Trust in England.
Job Title:Law Librarian
Year: 2013
National Teaching Fellow 2013
When Emily Allbon joined City University London in 2000, the combination of teaching new undergraduates on a term one module, Legal Method, and having an office right in the heart of the law library, meant that she fast gained an insight into the challenges' students faced.
Job Title:Dean of Teaching and Learning Innovation
Institution: University of Gloucestershire
Year: 2013
National Teaching Fellow 2013
Professor Stephen Hill's career began in archaeology. He has directed archaeological survey and excavation projects in Turkey and the UK, including rescue excavations of early Byzantine churches, Iron Age settlements, and a deserted medieval village inside a prison. He was involved in the BBCs 'Journey into Archaeology' project, has appeared on Time Team, and was awarded the Society of Antiquaries Frend Medal for Early Christian Archaeology.