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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
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NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Job Title:Principal Lecturer, Lancashire Business School
Institution: University of Central Lancashire
Year: 2012
National Teaching Fellow 2012
Beverly Leeds has been at the forefront of e-learning developments at UCLan and has pioneered the use of the Adobe Connect web-conferencing software not only for live and recorded lectures but also for remote seminars and assessment feedback. She has also led the way in the use of blogs and e-portfolios for reflective and enquiry-based learning.
Job Title:Head of Technology Enhanced Learning
Institution: Edge Hill University
Year: 2012
National Teaching Fellow 2012
Following his successes in completing a BSc (Hons) in Organisation and Management Studies, a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education and a Masters in E-learning, Brian Smith has strengthened his academic career further by becoming a leading specialist in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning. His dynamic leadership and creative flair for developing pedagogical innovations include synchronous teaching, using 3D virtual worlds and mobile devices to augment student learning - topics at the centre of his doctorate studies.
Job Title:Professor of Civil Engineering
Institution: Coventry University
Year: 2012
National Teaching Fellow 2012
After practising as a civil engineer for eight years and becoming a Chartered Engineer, Professor John Davies began his academic career at the Polytechnic of Central London (University of Westminster) in 1980. He developed strong interests in urban drainage research and in teaching.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer of Legislative Studies, Department of Politics and International Studies
Institution: University of Hull
Year: 2012
National Teaching Fellow 2012
The recipient of many awards in recognition of her dedication to teaching, Dr Cristina Leston-Bandeira has made an outstanding contribution to the teaching of politics.
Job Title:Professor of Music and Performing Arts, Dean of Validation
Year: 2012
National Teaching Fellow 2012
Steve Stanton joined City University in 1977. He has led curriculum innovation within the Music Department and, via his validation role, has influenced the direction of degree courses at several internationally-renowned conservatoires.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Oral Surgery, Director of BDS Programmes
Institution: University of Liverpool
Year: 2012
National Teaching Fellow 2012
Dr Luke Dawson has been a teacher in Oral Surgery since 1996. He is interested in how early stage clinicians develop expertise and how this can be enhanced through the development of innovative technology-supported 'assessment for learning' designs.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer, Learning and Teaching Development Unit
Year: 2012
National Teaching Fellow 2012
Ruth Matheson's teaching philosophy is driven by her background in occupational therapy. She has a strong belief in person-centredness, the ability of all individuals to learn and be creative and the importance of meaningful activity to stimulate curiosity and interest.
Job Title:Senior University Teacher, School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics
Institution: University of Sheffield
Year: 2012
National Teaching Fellow 2012
Dr Brendan Stone's work focuses on developing initiatives which have tangible social impact, and offer undergraduate and postgraduate students opportunities to develop their experience and knowledge in practical demonstrable ways.
Job Title:Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching, School of Health Studies
Institution: University of Bradford
Year: 2012
National Teaching Fellow 2012
Dr Christine Dearnley is passionate about widening participation and improving the student experience and outcomes. Her practice is guided by a strong philosophy of learning, which encompasses student autonomy and empowerment within a supported framework and is underpinned by the sound evidence base and model of student development that her research has generated.
Job Title:Professor of Computer and Human Interaction and Director of Enterprise, School of Systems Engineering
Institution: University of Reading
Year: 2012
National Teaching Fellow 2012
Professor Rachel McCrindle's roles and responsibilities at the University are multi-faceted. In addition to undertaking research projects, leading research teams and engaging with industry on enterprise related projects, she supervises student projects and lectures on a range of computing and engineering related subjects.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Psychology
Institution: University of Exeter
Year: 2012
National Teaching Fellow 2012
Dr Paul Farrand works within Clinical Education Development and Research (CEDAR), specialising in clinical education and training in evidence-based psychological interventions.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Institution: Newcastle University
Year: 2012
National Teaching Fellow 2012
Dr Undrell Moore teaches oral and maxillofacial surgery to a wide range of learners with the main emphasis on dental undergraduates at the very start of their clinical career. He strives to ensure that his students learn to take responsibility for their decision making and clinical treatments. Since arriving at Newcastle he has enhanced the system of learning and teaching in the clinical environment which has helped to focus the learning experience with the emphasis on student centred teaching.