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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
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NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Job Title:Senior Lecturer in English
Institution: University of Wolverhampton
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
As Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Wolverhampton, Rosie Miles has gained a national reputation for innovation in e-learning in English Studies, inspiring and enthusing hundreds of students and academics at her own institution and across the country.
Job Title:University Teaching Fellow / Academic Librarian
Institution: University of Huddersfield
Year: 2011
NTFS Ally, supporting applications from: Disabled colleagues, Professional services colleagues
Lots of Andrew's work these days focusses on play & playfulness in teaching and leadership, including editing the Journal of Play in Adulthood. Since winning the NTFS award in 2011, he has recently started to declare his own neurodivergence, particularly autism and dyspraxia, and is working on projects to support neurodiverse library workers. He currently likes the term neurospicy as an upgrade compare to all the strange neurotypical people.
Job Title:Reader in Literature and Poetics
Institution: Birkbeck, University of London
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011 
A poet and critic, Dr Carol Watts co-directs the Contemporary Poetics Research Centre, and teaches in the Department of English and Humanities at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her teaching is known for its dynamism and creativity across a wide interdisciplinary range. "Impassioned, informed, provocative and enjoyable", as one student remarked. "Totally eye-opening ".
Chris Webster
Job Title:Professor of Urban Planning and Development
Institution: Cardiff University
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Chris Webster is head of the School of City and Regional Planning, one of Europe's largest planning schools. He has degrees in urban planning, computer science, economics and economic geography and is a leading urban theorist and spatial economic modeller, writing and speaking about how cities develop at the boundary of market and government order. He is a popular keynote speaker at conferences and universities all over the world.
Job Title:Lecturer and Head of French
Institution: University of Liverpool
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Dr Robert Blackwood has taught at the University of Liverpool since 2003. Whilst think tanks, politicians, and other experts have been wringing their hands about the future of modern languages in academe, Robert has placed linguistics and language study at the heart of the curriculum at Liverpool, and exploited the advances in information technology to support both reflective learning and the supervision of undergraduates on their year abroad.
Job Title:Reader and Director of the Postgraduate Research Training Programme
Institution: Newcastle University
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Robin has been at Newcastle University almost all of his adult life, first as a student, then as a researcher and subsequently a Lecturer and Reader in social science research methods. For the past 15 years, he has been responsible for initiating, and then developing, a pioneering interdisciplinary research training programme for doctoral candidates in the social sciences and humanities.
Job Title:Lecturer in drama and performance, School of English Studies
Institution: University of Nottingham
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Dr Gordon Ramsay wants students to be as excited as he is about his subject area. His teaching is based on creating environments which develop students confidence and trust in their own voice, along with a capacity to engage with, reflect on and learn from the work of their peers.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Religious Education, Post Graduate Initial Teacher Education
Institution: Canterbury Christ Church University
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Robert Bowie leads secondary religious education courses and teaches the values and human rights education course, which he developed for the Education Studies degree. His interest in the study of religion began during his time at Warwick University with its multi-religious chaplaincy. Lancaster University's reputation for its distinctive inter-disciplinary approach to Religious Studies beckoned and encouraged him to teach in Muslim and Buddhist countries, fuelling his curiosity for all religions.
Job Title:Reader in Technology Enhanced Learning
Institution: University of Hertfordshire
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Dr Amanda Jefferies has worked at the University of Hertfordshire since 1991. Embracing a conversational approach to learning and teaching, she has also actively researched into e-learning and its pedagogy and was appointed as a University Teaching Fellow in 2001.
Job Title:Head of Learning and Teaching
Institution: Middlesex University
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Caroline Reid works closely with colleagues from across the University providing leadership and academic development to enhance learning, teaching and assessment approaches, and positively influence the student experience. She works in a cross-disciplinary manner with a wide range of subjects and disciplines to explore and develop pedagogic practice. A practitioner at heart, in addition to academic staff development she retains a student teaching role that enables her to keep in touch with students, remain on 'the shop floor' and explore the use of new learning teaching and assessment approaches in her own practice.
Job Title:Professor of Medical Education, University of Manchester and Lead: Academic Support for Student Learning, Manchester Medical School
Institution: University of Manchester
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011  
Professor Isobel Braidman graduated from the University of Sussex with a BSc in Biological Sciences and obtained her PhD from University of London in 1972. She moved to University of Manchester Medical School in 1979. Originally her research interests were endocrinology and the cellular basis of bone disease. She believes her story exemplifies a learning journey which is essential for good teaching.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Economics
Institution: Lancaster University
Year: 2011
National Teaching Fellow 2011
Dr Jill Johnes is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at Lancaster University, where she has been teaching both undergraduates and postgraduates for twenty-five years. Her main teaching areas include quantitative and mathematical methods in economics and, more recently, business economics.