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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
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NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Job Title:Principal Lecturer
Institution: University of Central Lancashire
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
"Alison's successful nurturing, of a genuine research culture, (with colleagues in further education) is yet another example of her vision, ambition and perseverance." (Dr Brian Rosebury). Alison came late into higher education having spent her earlier career as a manager within the NHS and lecturer on a range of vocational and academic programmes within further education. She had intended to remain a teacher educator until the opportunity to strategically lead a teacher education partnership appeared and has grown into this role by merging several professional identities that collectively provide the skills to successfully operate at the boundary between HE and FE.
Job Title:Professor of Human Physiology
Institution: University of Exeter
Year: 2010
National Teaching Fellow 2010
"Roger Eston is a champion for the education of students and an exceptional advocate for research led teaching." (Deputy Vice Chancellor for Education, University of Exeter). Over the last five years as Head of the School of Sport and Health Sciences, Roger's leadership and personal touch have been instrumental in establishing the quality of the student learning experience to be among the top three in the UK (National Student Survey 2007-09), one year achieving the accolade of best student experience of any subject.
Job Title:Associate Director for the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Assessment for Learning
Institution: Northumbria University
Year: 2010
"She's a doctor but she's not a boffin" (Undergraduate Student). "She clearly walks the talk" (Staff, Bristol University). Dr. Catherine Montgomery has been a teacher for 23 years and has taught at Essex, Newcastle and Northumbria universities since 1994. Her specialisms are in sociolinguistics, English Language and researching the influence of social and cultural contexts on teaching, learning and assessment.
Job Title:Associate Dean, Teaching & Learning Enhancement
Institution: The Open University
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Ian Fribbance is an Associate Dean in the Faculty of Social Sciences at The Open University. In his time at the OU, Ian has had a major impact both on the teaching of Economics and on learning and teaching practices across the Faculty. Ian has transformed the teaching of Economics, largely through his ground-breaking innovation to create a personal finance curriculum. He led the production of the seminal 'You and Your Money: Personal Finance in Context' - the first higher education financial literacy course - which instantly became the largest economics-related course in Europe after it registered over 6,000 students in just over two years.
Job Title:Head of Department, Centre for Educational Studies
Institution: University of Hull
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Institution at the time of award: Tesside University. Stewart Martin spent over 30 years as a teacher and Head Teacher in secondary education innovating in the use of ICT before moving into university research and lecturing. Now Head of Department at the Centre for Educational Studies at the University of Hull,, his pioneering work on the use of digital technology in education, including in teacher training, has put him in demand from other universities and industry within the UK, and in China and Japan.
Job Title:Deputy Director of Medical Studies
Institution: University of Liverpool
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
"David Taylor's teaching approach combines the incisiveness of a basic scientist, the wit of a comedian, and the compassion of a priest (which he is)." (A colleague from Manchester, 2008) David Taylor was trained as a neurophysiologist in Leeds, London and the Max-Planck Institute in Bad Nauheim. He came to Liverpool in 1983 with the idea of staying for three or four years, but somehow got involved.
Job Title:Department Director of Teaching & Learning, School Director of Internationalisation
Institution: University of Reading
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Clare Furneaux is a lecturer in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the University of Reading, where her career has focused on language and how to help non-native and native speakers of English use it for study purposes. She began as a Voluntary Service Overseas, then British Council, English language teacher in Asia for six years. These experiences gave her insights into the challenges faced by students in academic communication. She has since explored and developed expertise in academic literacy in Applied Linguistics, and in her teaching and learning roles at the University of Reading over the last 25 years.
Job Title:Professor in Physical Geography; Director of Pedagogic Research and Scholarship Institute (PRSI) & Department of Natural and Social Sciences and Pedagogic Research and Scholarship Institute
Institution: University of Gloucestershire
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Lindsey McEwen enthusiastically integrates innovative facilitation of learning and teaching, nationally and internationally-recognised research in pedagogic research (PedR) and river science/sustainable river management, and inspirational leadership in PedR development.
Job Title:Principal Lecturer in Geography
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Dr Helen Walkington is Principal Lecturer in Geography at Oxford Brookes University and her pedagogical mantra is 'geography is learnt through the soles of your feet.' She has used reflections on her own research experience to inform her teaching, where she has created opportunities for students to carry out field-based research through placements, expeditions, fieldtrips and experiential learning courses.
Job Title:Assistant Principal (Research and Academic Development)
Institution: Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Dr. Helena Gaunt is the Assistant Principal (Research and Academic Development) at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama in London. A professional oboist, her passion as a teacher is in the field of instrumental and vocal tuition.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer and Consultant Forensic Psychotherapist
Institution: St George's, University of London
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009 
Gill McGauley works clinically at Broadmoor, a high secure, hospital and academically in the Division of Mental Health at St George's, University of London. Forensic psychotherapy is a new sub-speciality which brings together two different branches of psychiatry; forensic psychiatry and psychotherapy. It involves the application of psychological therapies to treat mentally disordered offenders.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Work-Based Learning
Institution: Birkbeck, University of London
Year: 2009
National Teaching Fellow 2009
Anita's interest is in the group of learners whose life/work responsibilities preclude them from undertaking full-time higher education, and whose own education took place prior to the recent widening participation initiatives. The common thread which draws together all her activities as an academic is her interest in learning, teaching and assessment, particularly as it relates to the experience-based learning of mature professional students. This interest is the focus of both her research and her practice.