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National Teaching Fellows

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession in higher education. Meet the National Teaching Fellows below.
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NTFS Allyship Scheme

The Allyship scheme is an important development to help to increase the representation, progression, and success of individuals identified as being from an under-represented group(s) in the NTFS.

National Teaching Fellows

Job Title:Professor of Music
Institution: University of Huddersfield
Year: 2008
National Teaching Fellow 2008
Professor Michael Russ is Dean of Music, Humanities and Media at the University of Huddersfield. He moved to Huddersfield in 2002 as Head of the Department of Music following 28 years at the University of Ulster. Michael feels privileged to play a lead in what he regards as an excellent School at Huddersfield, and is particularly anxious to ensure the continued success of what is possibly the largest and most diverse University provision in the United Kingdom.
Job Title:Dean of Westminster Business School
Institution: University of Westminster
Year: 2008
National Teaching Fellow 2008
Institution at the time of award: University of Hull. Barbara Allan is the Dean of Westminster Business School. Previously she was the Director of Learning and Teaching at the University of Hull Business School. She has worked in higher education for more than 20 years in a range of roles and she is committed to the development of vibrant learning communities involving students, practitioners and colleagues. Professor Peter Lutzeier, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) at the University of Hull writes: "Barbara has a very impressive track record of engagement with students and their learning experience, and developing appropriate teaching methods for a diverse range of learners. She is well known for her innovative methods. Barbara is a role model for enjoyable and effective learning and teaching amongst colleagues."
Job Title:Senior Lecturer in Applied Psychology
Institution: The Open University
Year: 2008
National Teaching Fellow 2008
Dr Jane Henry, Head of the Centre for Human Resources and Change Management at the Open University Business School, has a long history of teaching innovations and is perhaps best known for her pioneering work on Creative Management and the Creativity, Innovation and Change Masters programmes. Studied by over 10,000 students worldwide, these much-copied programmes offer a student-centred learning that combines creativity and change at the individual, team, organisational, and cross-cultural levels. Many participants find the programme transformational, often citing it as the best course they have done. One student commented: "Of all the courses I have done Creative Management is the most valuable. It will influence my thinking long into the future."
Job Title:Professor of Academic Development
Institution: Liverpool John Moores University
Year: 2008
National Teaching Fellow 2008
I am Professor of Academic Development in Higher Education and Director of Teaching and Learning Development at Liverpool John Moores University, the latest step in a 20 year career in higher education where I have worked as a teacher, teacher trainer, staff and educational developer and senior manager. Developing and implementing strategy: As Director of Teaching and Learning Development I have a university-wide remit to promote and support excellence in teaching and learning. This has involved leading the development of learning and teaching strategy that received early national recognition for its innovative approaches.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer, Social Work Practice Learning Co-ordinator
Institution: Plymouth University
Year: 2008
National Teaching Fellow 2008
Avril Bellinger's innovation in teaching is exemplified by the Students and Refugees Together (START) project which she initiated in 2001. This major teaching resource has provided inter-professional learning opportunities to over 100 students from more than 10 different disciplines and 4 countries whilst generating contemporary case material to inform classroom teaching. Its unique organisational structure, combining service delivery with education, has won international recognition and a NHS Health and Social Care Award 2005.
Job Title:Emeritus Professor of Psychology
Institution: University of Westminster
Year: 2008
National Teaching Fellow 2008
Paula Hixenbaugh has taught at all levels from primary school to PhD over the last 38 years and is currently Emeritus Professor of Psychology in the Psychology Department at the University of Westminster, where she has taught for the last 20 years. A fundamental fascination with learning and teaching and an overriding concern for the student experience has led her to constantly review and evolve her own teaching, to research aspects of the student experience and to develop innovative approaches to student support.
Job Title:Professor of Psychology
Institution: Teesside University
Year: 2008
National Teaching Fellow 2008
Professor Paul van Schaik is a teacher of psychological research methods and the psychology of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at the University of Teesside. He was educated at the University of Utrecht and the University of Twente in the Netherlands. Using computers to enhance his teaching, Paul has developed a suite of highly interactive computer-based psychological experiments to aid students learning of experimental methods in psychology, research design and data analysis. He also designed computer-based (electronic performance support) systems to help students to do their revision of research methods and to make more productive use of library resources.
Job Title:Director of Employability
Institution: University of East London
Year: 2008
Femi Bola is a Principal Fellow of the HEA, executive coach and mentor and currently Director of Employability at the University of East London (UEL) with experience covering student and graduate employability, employer engagement, leadership and the inclusive curriculum. Since joining UEL Femi has introduced proactive and innovative approaches to student employability, career development and enterprise.
Job Title:Professor of Equity and Finance Law
Institution: University of Southampton
Year: 2008
National Teaching Fellow 2008
Alastair Hudson is Professor of Equity & Finance Law at the University of Southampton. He was previously Professor of Equity and Law at Queen Mary, University of London, where he had taught since being appointed as a lecturer in law in 1997.
Job Title:Lecturer in Applied Linguistics
Year: 2008
National Teaching Fellow 2008
Institute at the time of award: Institute of Education, University of London. Catherine Walter is a Lecturer in Applied Linguistics at Linacre College, University of Oxford. At the time of her National Teaching Fellowship award, Catherine was Lecturer of Applied Linguistics and an Equal Opportunities Coordinator at the Institute of Education, University of London (IOE). She is a writer of award-winning English language teaching books. A commitment to helping learners and teachers to access wider communities links these roles.
Job Title:Head of the Centre for Learning, Teaching & Assessment at Glyndwr University
Institution: Glyndwr University
Year: 2008
National Teaching Fellow 2008
Head of the Centre for Learning, Teaching & Assessment at Glyndwr University, and previously head of the Learning Development Unit, Academic Services at Keele University, Stephen Bostocks teaching philosophy is that "fun helps deep learning" and for the last ten years he has concentrated on staff and educational development, passing on his wide teaching experience, and sense of fun, to others.
Job Title:Senior Lecturer
Institution: Keele University
Year: 2008
National Teaching Fellow 2008
Peter Knight is a Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography at Keele University. His expertise and enthusiasm in teaching is underpinned by an international research reputation in glaciology, and he has written several well-known textbooks for A-level and undergraduate students that combine scientific rigour with a contagious enthusiasm for learning about the world.