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Primary Care Health Sciences: Gender balance

With the aim of increasing awareness of the contribution that women make to the Primary Care Health Sciences, the department monitored attendance at seminars and the gender balance of presenters and chairs responsible for delivering them.
Target Group
Academic staff
Initiative Theme
Gender balance
Initiative institution
University of Oxford
Application type
Athena Swan Initiative
Publication date

Details of Activity

With the aim of increasing awareness of the contribution that women make to the Primary Care Health Sciences, the department monitored attendance at seminars and the gender balance of presenters and chairs responsible for delivering them. The School increased the frequency of department seminars and attempted to maintain a gender balance in presenters (where feasible) that more accurately reflected the staff within the department.


From the department’s 2013 staff survey, it was noted that 80% of staff felt they were valued in the department and 85% of staff agreed that women were well represented. Working towards a more equal gender balance among its speakers reportedly led to more positive responses on issues of visibility and feeling valued, demonstrated by the above feedback from staff.