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School of Life Sciences: Academic promotions

The School recognised that it had seen a limited number of female academic promotions and had very few existing female senior academics.
Target Group
Academic staff
Initiative Theme
Initiative institution
Keele University
Application type
Athena Swan Initiative
Publication date

Details of Activity

The School recognised that it had seen a limited number of female academic promotions and had very few existing female senior academics. Therefore the School's focus was on developing policies and initiatives to support and assist the career development of staff, such as setting up a promotion workshop and encouraging female staff to seek opportunities for external profile-raising activities.


The School witnessed the successful promotion of one female member of staff after two years of putting these initiatives in place and advancements with regards to promotion made by other female academics during 2012 and 2014. The majority of both male and female staff (94%), who had joined the department before 2006, had achieved promotion to senior leadership, reader or professor by the time of submission in 2014.