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University of Cambridge - Outreach and widening participation

Various outreach initiatives and widening participation
Target Group
Postgraduate students
Undergraduate students
Initiative Theme
Student recruitment
Initiative institution
University of Cambridge
Application type
Race Equality Charter
Publication date

The institution has worked on various initiatives, such as making better use of its social media. The 'Get in Cambridge' campaign launch in 2019, targeted BAME prospective students specifically. Target Oxbridge, which is an independent organisation also working with the University of Oxford, provides provide information and guidance specifically tailored towards Oxford and Cambridge applications for Black students. The institution has also prioritised students in local authority care, from low‐participation neighbourhoods and who have been on Free School Meals (FSM). Among participants, there has been an increase in the number receiving offers. There has also been a marked increase in UK BAME applications by 42.8%. Widening Participation initiatives, such as Target Oxbridge, may have contributed to this increase.