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Preparing for an AI-Enabled Future

Change Impact Programme Practical approaches to curriculum review for an AI-enabled world

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the way we work and learn. Higher education providers will play an important role in preparing their students for future employability by supporting them to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to work with, and make responsible use of AI.

In navigating this change, it’s crucial for programme teams to review their curriculum to identify the knowledge, skills, and attributes essential for graduates to work ethically and effectively with AI. Additionally, they must adopt teaching and assessment practices that foster the distinctly human capabilities that will continue to be valued in the work-place. 

Join our Preparing for an AI-Enabled Future Change Impact Programme to understand how we can adapt learning outcomes, teaching practices and assessment methods to meet the needs of an AI-enabled workplace. The programme will also offer participants the opportunity to reflect on key principles for using AI and how they can support students to use it ethically and responsibly. The programme is available at a faculty/school or as a pilot to then embed across a whole institution. 

Please note that this programme is now closed for recruitment, you can still register your interest for future cohorts here.

Register your interest

If you would like to register your interest in a future cohort, please complete the form by clicking below and we will send you an information sheet with further details.

Register interest
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Project benefits

  • Equip participants with actionable techniques to drive change, including an individual action plan to embed at their faculty/school or across the institution.
  • The opportunity to reflect on key principles for using AI and how we can support students to use it ethically and responsibly.
  • Encouragement to identify principles for curriculum review and teaching and assessment practices that can be shared with colleagues.
  • University leaders can demonstrate commitment to staff development in this challenging area.
  • Collaborative approach increases opportunities to share ideas for interventions and projects.
  • Participants will gain first-hand knowledge and insights into how to work effectively with AI.
a group of students chatting in a lecture theatre
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Project outline

Individual Institutional Assessment

An initial consultative conversation will be held with each project lead to understand the current challenge and institutional policy framework.

Workshop 1 (online)

An exploration of the knowledge, skills and attributes graduates will need to work ethically and effectively with AI.

Workshop 2 (online)

Participants will use a framework to review their learning outcomes and reflect on how they could / should be adapted to meet the needs of an AI-enabled workplace.

Workshop 3 (online)

This workshop will explore the teaching practices required to help students develop the skills and attributes graduates will need to work ethically and effectively with AI.

Workshop 4 (online)

How are we ensuring / assuring robust assessment that encourages appropriate learning behaviours? How can we use AI to enhance our assessment processes and measure less tangible learning outcomes?

Final Output

Participants will develop their own action plan to develop their policies process and practices to adapt to AI enablement.

Optional workshop (online)

This two-hour online workshop will help senior teams understand how whole institutions may harness AI. At the end of the session, participants will have the following key takeaways:

  • A better understanding of current usages of artificial intelligence in Higher Education and implications for senior managers
  • Insight into trends in artificial intelligence usage and what this means for practice in UK Higher Education
  • Insight into opportunities and challenges to using artificial intelligence to enhance organisational capacity.
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