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Advance HE Surveys Conference 2018 - Measuring students' conceptions - Joe Barton

This session considers the challenges of measuring teaching excellence from student-led teaching award nomination data by providing the case study from Newcastle University Students’ Union’s 2017 ‘TEAs Report’. Drawing upon the nomination data from NUSU’s 2016/17 Teaching Excellence Awards the TEAs Report explores the teaching approaches which students most commonly cite as contributing to their academic and personal development. The session not only outlines the Report’s findings but charts the dialogue between NUSU and University academics which shaped its methodology and identifies the obstacles to further deepening the student-staff conversation about how teaching excellence should be conceived and measured.
Advance HE Surveys Conference 2018 - Measuring students' conceptions - Joe Barton.pdf
Advance HE Surveys Conference 2018 - Measuring students' conceptions - Joe Barton.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.