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Advance HE Teaching & Learning Conference 2018: Playful investigation vs. teaching the scientific method: Tensions and synergies

This workshop aims to reflect - and invite others' reflections - on the outcomes of an attempt to introduce a playful approach to a laboratory class. The class concerned physical modelling of landslides but the reflection is intended to be more broadly relevant to any STEM lab class involving collection and analysis of numerical data and its interpretation in terms of the underlying mechanisms at play in the experiments. The reflection identifies what did and didn't work and thus the tensions and synergies between trying to encourage an approach of inquisitive open-minded investigation by the students whilst at the same time providing instruction and guidance regarding standard elements of scientific practice.

Room 229_ST2.3_Andrew Folkard.pdf
Room 229_ST2.3_Andrew Folkard.pdf View Document
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Lancaster University

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.