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Application of a Generic Curriculum Change Management Process to Motivate and Excite Students

This paper was presented at the 2008 Engineering Conference - Innovation Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education.

The School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Queen’s University Belfast is committed to enhancing the quality of student learning. A plan to implement curriculum change around this goal has been formulated and is already several years underway. A specific part of the plan involved instigating a first year introductory module to engage the students in the practice of their engineering discipline. The complicated nature of devising this type of module with regard to objectives resources timeframe and the number of students involved meant that a very systematic approach had to be adopted.

This paper presents the simple but definitive change management process that facilitated in the creation of a first year Introduction to Engineering module. The generic nature of this process is described and its application to other facets of curriculum change is discussed. Within this process the importance of collaboration to establish a forward momentum is emphasised. This enables academic staff to progress as a group and build curriculum development based on their own experiences expertise and established practice

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