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Blended Teaching using MyMathLab

MyMathLab is learning and teaching software produced by Pearson publishers consisting of online course materials to supplement some of their textbooks. It offers homework student assessment and multimedia instructional tools that enrich student learning and intends to improve retention outcomes. The main feature used in this case study were free-response exercises (not multiple choice) that were algorithmically generated for unlimited practice and mastery. Other online tools were available to students such as a multimedia textbook a facility to show the steps interactively through a similar problem. Tests were produced by instructors by selecting relevant questions from an online bank of questions similar to those available in the textbook. Many more topics not on the syllabus were made available for those students that wished to explore further. Algorithmic generation meant each student had a different problem to solve. For instructors the Gradebook facility automatically tracks students’ homework and test results and gives the instructor control over how to allocate marks to different exercises and also monitoring students’ progress.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.