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Book Review: Molecular Biology of the Cell (Fifth Edition) by Bruce Alberts Alexander Johnson Julian Lewis Martin Raff Keith Roberts and Peter Walter Peter Walter

The appearances of new editions of Molecular Biology of the Cell are major events in the educational world of cell biology. Indeed in biology in general since all biologists should appreciate the central role of the subject area to their disciplines. The fifth edition includes new material on many topics ranging from epigenetics histone modifications small RNAs comparative genomics genetic noise cytoskeletal dynamics cell cycle control apoptosis and stem cells to novel cancer therapies. It is packed in to 25 chapters. All the chapters are structured in the style familiar to readers of previous editions. The authors suggest in the Preface that Chapters 1 to 20 which are printed pages cover the core of the usual cell biology curricula. Chapters 21-25 are presented in an electronic format (see below); their emphasis is on multicellular systems.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.