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Cars and Calculation: Some Proposals for Teaching Real World Mathematics

One basic idea of using real world problems for teaching mathematics is the motivation. Students and especially adult learners are often asking: “Why should I learn this?” Examples from every day life or from the workplace are one way to answer this question well (but not the only one: history fundamental ideas or logical riddles and talking about mathematics are other answers). I often have used such examples as a teacher in mathematic courses for adults and as a teacher trainer at the university. In this contribution I will concentrate on examples that are connected to motoring. I start with a short draft of basic physical knowledge and outline some possibilities to use them for mathematics learning. If you like to read German you will find many more examples (from art to cyclic movement) at –I was one of the founders of this group about 30 years ago.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.