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Closing the Loop: Bringing Tangible Benefits from Cutting Edge Research to Undergraduate Learning and Teaching

This case study details a University of Wales Institute Cardiff project that aims to directly apply the latest cutting-edge information appliance research carried out by the author's research group the Programme for Advanced Interactive Prototype Research (PAIPR)1 by making new techniques and hardware directly available to undergraduate and taught postgraduate students on a range of programmes within the Cardiff School of Art & Design.

Its objectives are to: redesign components of the Product Design Programme's curriculum to create an exemplar of tangible research to L&T benefits before using the lessons learned for possible roll-out to other programmes; deliver cutting-edge design and prototyping methodology capabilities to second- and third-year undergraduate and taught Masters students; increase the prestige of UWIC's design programmes; improve employability of UWIC graduates particularly in prestige posts such as those at blue chip companies and leading design consultancies; produce 100 (pat. pending) Bluetooth IE4 units for L&T purposes to facilitate the above.

This case study is written in both English and Welsh.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.