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Collaboration across the 1992 divide: the postgraduate research student experience

A presentation from the STEM Annual Conference 2014.

Previously it has been shown that the undergraduate student experience has benefitted and been enhanced by collaboration in teaching across the 1992 divide (Freestone et al. 2012). What has not been so extensively investigated is research collaboration specifically between pre- and post-1992 institutions. Using semi-structured interviews supplemented by reflective diaries post-graduate students registered for PhD studies at Kingston University were asked about their research experiences. A number of these students (11 individuals) whilst registered and working primarily at Kingston University conducted a proportion of their research work in laboratories in pre-1992 institutions. Another sub-set of the students (8 individuals) carried out their research solely at Kingston University. The qualitative data generated by these students revealed that the majority of the students working between two institutions valued this experience because; they had access to new techniques more advanced equipment different expertise and a more research-orientated environment. There were disadvantages mentioned too however and these included travel between sites (especially when transporting equipment and/or biological material) and anxiety at entering a “foreign” potentially more competitive working environment. On the other hand students who had no collaborating opportunities felt that this was a significant negative factor in their research development. Possible negative aspects reported of working at only one post-1992 institution included; lack of a research culture less access to cutting edge techniques and instrumentation and smaller research networks. Both sets of students thought that collaboration would enhance their employability skills and completion rates. Therefore wherever possible collaboration across the 1992 divide should be actively pursued for the benefit of the student research experience.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.