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Construction of a self-efficacy measure to map the assessment journey and optimise the assessment experience

A presentation from the STEM Annual Conference 2014.

A recent study indicated that student dissatisfaction with assessment and feedback may be attributable to a piecemeal rather than integrated programme wide approach. This ongoing study in partnership with students will expand those findings by developing a self-report measure (self-efficacy in assessment) linked to a toolkit of learning activities for tutorials to facilitate integrated assessment mapping and planning. Six psychology students will dedicate their allocated 20 hours placement to facilitating student focus groups at all levels to co-develop and co-evaluate the resources which will then be piloted in tutorials. The self-efficacy measure will help students understand and improve their belief behaviours and confidence around preparation and planning their assessment journey; whilst the toolkit will explain the purpose of and how to get the most out of assessment and feedback including formative summative and diagnostic. In addition through a process of audit and re-calibration assessment strategies will be thoroughly examined and mapped across levels modules and semesters to ensure that both staff and students work collaboratively in a process of empowerment. The materials produced from this study will be made available through a dedicated website conferences and peer reviewed publications.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.