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Course design consultancy

This case study describes an initiative undertaken at Sheffield Hallam University as part of the HEA's Students as Partners Change Programme.

Course Design Consultancy is a change initiative in Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) where students have been recruited to be Course Design Consultants (CDCs). The significance of the Course Design Consultancy within the institution is that there is a model and a structure in place for students to engage 'early on' in the course and design approval process which has never existed before. The role of students as CDCs is to work alongside course leaders and course planning teams in the (re)design of their courses for approval. More importantly the role of the CDCs includes working alongside students on a respective course specifically engaging them in what we have termed a 'solutions-based' workshop where students conjure ideas and recommendations for improving their course.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.