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Critical Analysis of Statistical Methods used in Research Papers

Statistical modules within engineering postgraduate programmes can be particularly demanding to design and deliver in an effective manner as the prior knowledge of students entering the programme can be vastly disparate. A good example of this is the "Statistical Analysis for Engineers" module taught in Dublin Institute of Technology to a combination of full-time M.Eng. students part-time M.Eng. students and full-time Ph.D. students. Within this group there is also a clear divide between mature students returning to education after a number of years in the workplace and students who have just completed their undergraduate degree. Due to the wide range of experience and abilities within the group in question it is necessary that the module be entirely self-contained; however the time allocated to the module is limited. To overcome this and other challenges it was decided to introduce a critical analysis component part of which would consist of students working in pairs to review an assigned research paper. Students were required to give a short presentation including an overview of the paper a critical analysis of the statistical methods used and an evaluation of the paper as a whole. Students were peer-assessed and required to complete an online reflective survey. Full details of the approach involved and the inherent benefits for students will be discussed in this paper.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.