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Developing early algebraic reasoning in primary classrooms: student and teacher perspectives

An ESCalate student project grant awarded to Jodie Hunter of the University of Plymouth in 2009.

Amount awarded £2 000.00
Leader(s): Ms Jodie Hunter
Organisation: University of Plymouth-Education
Contact Email: 
Start Date: 1 September 2009
End Date: 30 July 2010





Significant changes have been proposed for mathematics classrooms of the 21st century in order to meet the needs of a “knowledge society”. Both internationally and within the United Kingdom the necessity to strengthen the teaching and learning of algebra has been recognised. Recent research (Kaput 2008; Mason 2008) advocates teaching number and algebra in an integrated manner. However within the United Kingdom context it seems that there is little classroom based research completed with primary students which examines how this can be successfully accomplished. A key aim of this study will be to investigate how primary teachers can be effectively supported to develop classroom practices that promote a culture of algebraic activity. During the PhD study the research student (Jodie Hunter) will work with the participating teachers to develop their ‘algebra ears and eyes’ enabling the integration of algebraic reasoning opportunities into the classroom. Student learning of important algebraic concepts over the school year will be investigated through task based interviews. The second key aim of this study will be to develop an understanding of pupils’ views of learning in classrooms where there is focus on developing algebraic reasoning opportunities. In recent years there has been growing recognition of the need to understand pupil perspectives and acknowledge their voice to understand schooling experiences. However it appears that there are few studies which investigate pupil perspectives in primary mathematics classrooms in which an intervention is taking place. Therefore this study will investigate pupil views of their mathematical learning and identity as learners within the classrooms in which the intervention is taking place.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.