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Developing peer and self-reflection - Initiatives that demonstrate innovation in first-year assessment

This case study describes was to encourage first year art students at Glyndŵr University to adopt an active role in the continual assessment of their work so that they did not view the process as something that was done to them. There were two strands to this overall aim. The first was to establish the relevance of learning outcomes to student assessment. The second was to use learning outcomes as a framework to improve reflection and analysis in relation to peer and self-assessment.

This activity initially took place in a drawing project early in the academic year and was repeated (in slightly varying forms) through the semester. Students were introduced to the learning outcomes of a brief and encouraged to interpret them orally. Then students were divided into small groups in order to peer assess the work of individuals in another group.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.