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Development of an interactive online tool for building confidence in distance learners studying introductory statistics and SPSS

One of the greatest challenges for distance learning programmes in Psychology is the teaching of data analysis. Particularly at the novice level students learning research methods require support in developing a conceptual framework in statistics as well as learning how to use statistics software confidently. One of the main obstacles to learning statistics is the experience of anxiety in relation to maths statistics and IT. In distance learning this is more difficult to support than in campus-based face to face contexts. The aim for this project is to develop an online interactive tool for students beginning their study of quantitative research methods. The goal is to produce a tool which enables students to explore SPSS and basic data analysis and be supported in developing positive expectations for future performance. Using online technologies in this context enables the integration of feedback guidance and support into a tool which can be delivered to students on demand. It is expected that addressing confidence issues in relation to SPSS and basic statistics in this way will facilitate future learning of statistics in students who are more prone to statistics and IT anxiety.


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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.