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Doctoral Training Programmes: a new model for advancing the learning and teaching agenda for postgraduate research students

A presentation from the STEM Annual Conference 2014.

Centres for Doctoral Training and Doctoral Training Partnerships are the new mechanisms through which RCUK is channeling the majority of its funding for PhD students. These doctoral training programmes often have a significant training element which may include a period of lab rotations Spring Schools residential writing retreats time spent visiting other laboratories. They typically have a particular focus on cohort development work-based learning and enhancing employability.

One of the significant corollaries of this change in the doctoral training landscape is a potential (re)connection/integration of the learning and teaching and research agenda; often explicitly divided in terms of management and governance at HEIs.

This Pecha Kucha presentation includes:

  • a case study of implementing the BBSRC Doctoral Training Partnership at the University of Nottingham which will focus on key challenges and successes including set-up governance programme development student experience;
  • an overview of quantitative and qualitative feedback from the first two BBSRC DTP cohorts contextualised in terms of data from the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2013.
gen-014-o.pptx View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.