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Embedding Equality and Diversity in the Curriculum strategic enhancement programme

The Higher Education Academy (HEA) Scotland as part of the Scottish Funding Council-funded HEA Scotland EEDC project is supporting Scottish HEIs to mainstream equality and diversity in their learning and teaching practices and processes. It provides:

  • funded consultancy to support the development of EEDC in a chosen area of focus;
  • ongoing support including two facilitation network meetings for the sharing of practice and learning across the network group as the programme develops;
  • the opportunity to influence sector practice by participating in a joint network meeting with Equality Challenge Unit’s Attracting Diversity project and contributing to further HEA guidance in this area.

HEA Scotland is working with six teams from Scottish institutions through a structured development programme designed to enable HEIs to tailor initiatives to their own disciplinary institutional and/or sector priorities. It is supporting participants in:

  • identifying appropriate areas of focus for enhancement in EEDC;
  • utilising and adapting appropriate frameworks models toolkits and research on EEDC;
  • developing an understanding of the barriers to and methods for EEDC within their area of focus (e.g. through qualitative research);
  • developing the mechanisms and methods to further EEDC within their area of focus (e.g. creating resources frameworks tools);
  • implementing and reflecting on pilot initiatives for the mainstreaming of EEDC within their area of focus (e.g. utilising developed frameworks for curriculum design).

Further information about the programme its participants and their areas of focus will be provided shortly.


The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.