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Engaging students in the capacity of student mentor: Does it enhance their employability skills? - HEA Annual Conference 2017 - Generation TEF: Teaching in the spotlight

The main aim of this session is to disseminate the findings of the pedagogic research exploring the role and impact of student mentor within an undergraduate STEM programme. Subsequently this session will: 1. Explore the magnitude of the rationale to undertake one such study; 2. Share the methodology adopted to implement the proposed intervention in response to the problems identified.; 3. Discuss various (potential) bottlenecks that a novice academic staff member may have to overcome while engaging in such an educational research; 4. Provide insight into some of the strategic approaches that the project team members adopted to overcome similar issues; and 5. Emphasise on the impact of such pedagogic interventions both within our institution and wider community.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.