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Enhancing the international learning experience: Teaching and learning in an environment challenged by cultural diversity

The fifth in a series of case studies commissioned by The Higher Education Academy Subject Centres for Hospitality Leisure Sport and Tourism (HLST) and Business Management Accountancy and Finance (BMAF).

This case study is concerned with teaching learning and assessment in an environment which is culturally very diverse not only in terms of its student body but also in terms of its faculty members. Another factor which plays a significant role in the equation is that the School is undergoing rapid and fundamental institutional changes. These changes include challenges raised by two current accreditation processes an IT project in which the existing (antiquated) system will be entirely replaced by a state-of-the-art fully integrated system and the consequent need for adaptation of the administrative structures to new requirements.

Further case studies can be found here.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.