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Enhancing Teaching and Learning Through Research: Current School Project with Acting Students

This case study details a University of Wales Trinity Saint David research project on Brecht’s play The Exception and the Rule. This project forms the centrepiece of the Level 5 Acting students’ work on Expressionism and Epic Theatre. The project has involved preparatory research work into the music of Paul Dessau. Dessau wrote the play’s music in 1948 but it does not appear to have been performed in the UK. The author located it and with John Quirk prepared the score for the students’ voices and presented the play in the week of 21 April. The production history of the play has also been researched in particular to ascertain the number of amateur and professional productions done with alternative music or without music at all.

This case study is written in both English and Welsh.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.