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Evaluating the impact of number controls choice and competition on the student profile and the student learning environment in the new higher education landscape

Recent reforms including The Browne Report (2010) and the White Paper Students at the Heart of the System (BIS 2011a) are changing the ways HE institutions operate. Key changes include student number controls the new maximum variable fee of £9 000 and the introduction of the targeted National Scholarship Programme (NSP) awards. These may produce general instability across the sector if applications for 2013/14 continue to decline against the trend as anticipated (UCAS 2012).

Aims and objectives of the project include the following.

  • Obtaining national comparative data regarding the nature type and extent of number control impacts at national institutional discipline and course level.
  • Investigate emerging trends in changes to the student profile.
  • Obtaining evidence from which to map how number controls and the changing student profile are affecting teaching and learning.
  • Showing evidence of good change management practice across the sector.

Outputs include a report of survey and interview findings a digested 'report on a page' international conference presentations academic articles HEA dissemination events and in-depth case study vignettes of good practice in managing institutional change.

Sheffield Hallam University

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.