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An evaluation of problem-based assessment: goals and experience

This study aims to test the efficacy of a problem-based learning exercise in comparison to a standard unseen exam as assessment for students doing health psychology. The nature of health psychology as a topic means problem-based learning offers a good opportunity to address both the psychology and health components of this area but using a more applied approach. This assessment has value both in terms of the student experience of the course but also enables development of transferable skills which can be used academically or professionally on completion of a degree in psychology. The study will be carried out through evaluating student performance and experience using quantitative and qualitative methods in order to design resource packs for problem-based learning which can be adapted for other areas of psychology.

A report may be downloaded (PDF)

p20060123_final_report_anna_baker.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.