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Final Year Education Projects

A case study describing Bioscience projects at the University of Manchester that actively engage students in outreach activities with local schools.

Final year Education projects in The Faculty of Life Sciences at The University of Manchester are an alternative to traditional ‘wet’ laboratory projects and take place from January to April in the students’ final semester. They are undertaken by approximately 20 students each year; appealing especially to students who are interested in studying for a PGCE after graduation with a general interest in pedagogy or to students who are enthusiastic about interacting with people outside a laboratory setting. The projects encourage effective communication of science; a skill that is extremely important for scientists (Lloyd 2006). Research Council-funded scientists are actively encouraged to assist and support involvement with local schools as well as promote science understanding in local communities (BBSRC 2008) a requirement that can be fulfilled by Education projects.

case-study-student-research-additional-3.pdf View Document
case-study-student-research-additional-3-project.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.