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Framework for Student Access, Retention, Attainment and Progression

These four interconnected elements define the foundations for student success. They each depend on fostering a sense of belonging and actively engaging students with their programme and the wider institution, enabling students to thrive throughout their higher education. 

Ensuring everyone who could benefit from higher education can do so. 

Recognising and validating the achievements of students.

Supporting all students to successfully complete their chosen program.  

Supporting students as they move on to further study or employment. 

The framework is designed for all staff with a remit to support students to achieve their potential. Consideration of the impact of policies, practices and support services from the student perspective, institution-wide collaboration and the engagement of students as partners are key to student success.

The framework is part of the Essential Frameworks for Enhancing Student Success series.

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Has your institution identified student access, retention, attainment and progression as a priority?

Our expertise and globally recognised standards and frameworks help higher education organisations transform teaching by developing and recognising teaching excellence. We work with you – understanding your context – to enhance student engagement through partnership by sharing insight and evidenced-based practice to deliver student success.  

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Related resources

Access, retention, attainment and progression: a review of the literature 2016-2021

This literature review aims to highlight evidence-based policy or practice that has had a demonstrable impact on student outcomes, including impact on progression, engagement, satisfaction, skill acquisition and/or self-confidence and student degree classification. 

Read more
ARAP Literature Review Front Cover

Student Success: Access, retention, attainment and progression

This project aims to support members in adopting practical, evidence-based approaches that enhance the access, retention, attainment and progression of students, aligned with the Advance HE framework in this area. 

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Meet the project leads

Dr Kay Hack (PFHEA)

Lead Consultant (Education)
Advance HE
Dr Kay Hack
Kay leads a team of senior consultants to deliver a range of services to the HE sector to support strategic leadership and change in HEIs.

Stuart Norton, PFHEA

Senior Consultant, Education
Advance HE
Stuart Norton
Stuart has over 18 years’ experience within higher education with extensive experience in designing and developing strategic, institutional-wide change. In his role as Senior Consultant, Education at Advance HE, he focuses on both thought leadership and providing evidence-based solutions to support institutions, educators and students.
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