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Future directions for learning and teaching enhancement in England: institutional roles and interventions

This research aims to establish whether previous policy frameworks aimed at enhancing the student experience were and are still fit for purpose in the current and likely future HE environments. There are five research questions:

  1. What do previous evaluations and current stakeholders’ opinions suggest were the key strengths and weaknesses of HEFCE-funded learning and teaching enhancement initiatives both at the strategic and the tactical level over the period 2005-2012?
  2. What does the evidence suggest are the future needs of the HE sector in relation to the direction of learning and teaching enhancement initiatives?
  3. What are the options available for HEFCE’s future role (if any) in learning and teaching enhancement initiatives for the future?
  4. What alternatives beyond a role for HEFCE exist in learning and teaching enhancement initiatives for the future?
  5. What does the evidence collected in RQ1 suggest are likely to be the most effective choices among these?

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.