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Implementing the Undergraduate Ambassadors Scheme (UAS) as a final-year project option

In 2005 The University of Nottingham’s School of Biosciences decided to participate in the Undergraduate Ambassadors Scheme (UAS).

The UAS ( is a national scheme which provides a framework for awarding academic credits to undergraduates for engaging with schools. The primary aims of UAS are to provide:

• Undergraduates with key transferable skills;

• Undergraduates with subject-specific skills gained from communication of their subject;

• Undergraduates with encouragement to consider teaching careers;

• School pupils; and

• School teachers with additional classroom support and access to University resources.

In terms of academic credits university departments and tutors adapt the UAS to fit their requirements based on general guidelines and support documentation. Participating students complete an initial day of training in their university and are then placed in a local school where they work closely with their teacher/mentor to provide teaching and practical assistance and conduct special projects. UAS students can work with any age group according to the wishes of the university department. Students are assessed on a portfolio of evidence includin

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.