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Introducing a ‘Clinical Skills Peer Tutor Programme’ for Pre-Registration Nursing Students - NET2017 Conference

There have been several literature reviews on the topic of peer tutoring/learning programmes (Secomb 2008; McNett 2012; Stone et al 2013; Rees et al 2015). Most identify the benefits of a well-structured and supported programme in developing psycho motor skills of both tutors and tutees and discuss findings around improvements in self-confidence and competence in both tutees and tutors. Many papers exploring the future of nurse education and training globally and especially in the UK with tuition fee charges and changes within the profession indicate that the power of peer teaching and learning is an untapped resource (Carr 2008; Ousey 2011; Burgess et al 2014). They suggest that if well planned structured and supervised it could enrich the development of student nurses and provide a sense of stewardship of senior students to more junior ones that is sometimes lost in the complexity of education training and healthcare delivery (McKenzie 2009; Stacey & Holland 2016). 

The clinical skills peer tutor programme was set up in response to student feedback. Students said they felt lost not having the intense support that they had in the first year to settle them in or anecdotally we believe this may have led to students losing focus academically and in practice with possible associated attrition.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.