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Iphones for all Year 4 medical students? - the experience so far

All year 4 and year 5 medical students in one medical school were issued with iphones in September 2010 to support learning and assessment. This presentation summarises the experience in Year 4 so far. We will describe the rationale for setting up the project and the main formal uses of the platform ie for work-place based assessment eportfolio entries and mobile learning resources. We will describe the project in general terms including what has worked well difficulties encountered and the process of evaluation. The presentation will finish with discussion of the place of mobile devices within medical education and how this work will influence our approach to medical education and our curriculum in the future. Because the project is still in progress we will not present detailed outcome data (which will be reported later) but will report an overview of introducing this technology into our curriculum.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.