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Jun 2005: Further experiences with the personal response system in statistics teaching

This article sets out a preliminary balance of the pros and cons following three full years of experience of using a wireless multiple-choice system in a service course of statistics teaching. As pointed out by several commentators the system can easily be applied to statistics as well as any other subject and the multi-choice system does not restrict the types of questions that can be asked. The output files from the personal response system have been used for some preliminary post-processing of the students' answers. This provides some idea of how the correct and incorrect answers are distributed over the class. Student feedback on the use of the system is almost exclusively positive. In the opinion of the present author the only negative aspect of the system is the set-up and break-up time as well as the amount of time it takes to record the answer from a full class. If these time-constraints can be overcome then the aim is to expand the use of the personal response system to all the lectures here in Glasgow.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.