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Keele University Green Academy case study

This case study details the impact of participating in the HEA Green Academy programme (2011 – 2012) for Keele University. The case study consists of an overview of the University's sustainability strategies and activities within an institutional context and a detailed explanation of the specific impacts of the Green Academy programme.

All members of the team who attended spoke positively about the wide-ranging benefits of the Green Academy programme as a means of “catalysing a step change” in the institution and “legitimising” a greater focus on curriculum reform and as a consequence sustainability became a key element of what is now called the ‘Distinctive Keele Curriculum’. In addition the Green Academy programme offered the team an objective way to ‘benchmark’ their existing practice against that in comparable institutions elsewhere in the UK and was important in giving the team confidence in the level of achievements to date.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.