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Learning by doing: practical experience from Coventry University

A presentation from the STEM Annual Conference 2014.

A practical module that Humanitarian Engineering and Computing is delivering is to build a prototype for a peace pavilion. Funding is being sought to realize pavilions based on this throughout the world.

Building a prototype for a peace pavilion from clay and wood with second year students from different disciplines such as civil engineers architecture aerospace math’s and disaster management in the UK provides much more than sustainable engineering. Apart from enhancing the students’ interdisciplinary skills it re-enforces them to look at the consequences of inappropriate technology and the processes behind it while focusing on real life problem solving.

The aim of this module is to enhance students’ practical skills in preparation for a placement with a development charity implementing appropriate technology in a developing country. Students will have the opportunity to gain hands on experience demonstrate their interaction with others in adverse environmental conditions and use creative appropriate designs not normally taught in an engineering course.

The pavilion is based on the simple idea that light and transparency are achieved by the people coming together in discussion. All students will become a member of group responsible for a certain aspect of the design and realization of the pavilion.

This presentation will detail opportunities and challenges encountered in preparing implementing and assessing an outdoor practical activity.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.