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'Lightening the Load': creating change for sustainability through Fashion education

This case study describes the initiative undertaken at the University of The Arts London as part of the Green Academy 2 Change Programme.

University of the Arts London strategy aims ’to create a culture of social and environmental awareness in order to develop and integrate sustainable and ethical practice throughout all aspects of our life and work’; LCF Green Council covers college wide activity in response to objectives in the LCF Operating Plan encouraging participation in an annual cross-university Green Week; and Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF) a UAL research centre based at LCF applies sustainability values to the exploration of fashion linking research enterprise and curriculum development to contribute to the knowledge and practice of design for sustainability. Through this project CSF has sought to develop its reach across LCF to find ways to ideate institutional change towards sustainability.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.