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Maple in the classroom: practice pitfalls and policy

As I stated in § 3 of my ICTM3-article [1] “…using advanced CAS-technology at this level rather than graphic calculators and the like strongly enhances the enthusiasm of the teacher. This enthusiasm can not be overrated in the learning process.” Though many interesting and stimulating exercises can still be made with logarithm tables and logarithm rulers and though some mathematics teachers use scientific and graphic calculators in the most creative and imaginative ways I think the teaching of mathematics at secondary school level and above would benefit greatly from the use of full-blown computer algebra systems (CAS) in general and Maple in particular. This technology should be made available to students and teachers as it puts them in direct contact with current practice and makes the doing and learning of mathematics more adventurous.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.