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Mapping peer-led learning UK

This research project maps the provision of peer-assisted academic learning across UK HE organisations.

Peer-led learning has increased in importance but there is little sense of how many institutions support it how they understand its purposes or what peer-led learning best practice is.

Aims and objectives

This project will build on previous HEA work in this area to:

  • map the provision of peer-led learning across the UK
  • identify challenges and opportunities to peer-led learning including international perspectives
  • identify examples of good practice to develop into case studies
  • identify potential for future research


The HEA ran a short survey to find out more from individuals or teams with responsibility for or engagement in student-to-student peer-led academic learning activity. Multiple responses from institutions were welcomed as the survey allowed participants to provide examples of their own innovative practice. The survey closed on 1 July 2014 and had a good response.


A draft report was presented at the HEA’s Annual Conference 2014. A full report will be published in early autumn 2014.

Bournemouth University

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.