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This article describes the setting up of MATHS-AID a Mathematics and Statistics Support facility within Newcastle University. The main source for the most of the discussions and reports on setting up this project is the Numeracy Project Website ( The material from that site will be summarised in the first three sections of this article. The Review and Issues section looks at the first 7 months of operations of MATHS-AID and also raises some issues that MATHS-AID needs to consider and that the MSOR community may need to address. The last section covers future activities.

The main feature of the initial planning work has been the support of the whole University. The original stimulus came from “high-up” and the routing of the decision making through the University Teaching and Learning Committee (UTLC) has given the project a clear brief together with an investigation phase which has enabled important contacts to be made with all interested Schools. I am the Co-ordinator of the project and this initial phase has been invaluable in determining direction and focus. As a spin-off there was no difficulty in finding and using University resources for the project as most decision makers were aware of the plans.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.