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The monstrous model: shape-shifting in the life-drawing space

A presentation from the Arts and Humanities Annual Conference 2014.

The session discusses the role of the life-model in the teaching of life-drawing and notes her/his conventional marginalisation in making images and in teaching art. Frequently regarded as an abject and monstrous figure whose body and presence is regulated by the tutor and life-drawers the life-model is a naked roving chattering shape-shifter. Taming and containing the monstrous model is a key function of the tutor. But what happens when the life-model teaches the class? This paper discusses findings from The Art of the Life-Model at Leeds Art Gallery/ Leeds College of Art 2002-2009 noting the shape-shifting benefits of model-led pedagogy.

PLEASE NOTE: There is a formatting error on Appendix 5 also some of the photos may shift from their original pages when downloaded. Please ensure there are no photographs printed out at the top of the appendices' handouts if you are using them as teaching materials. The box which is out of synch on Appendix 5 should read 'Verbal Direction. Tutor / Lead artist tells the model how to place their body.' There is a correctly-formatted copy of this spider graph in the appendices of the 2007 N. Kane 'Embodying the Other: Pedagogic and Performative Strategies Used in The Art of the Life-Model Course 2002-2007' which can be downloaded from the University of Huddersfield Repository.

dr_nina_kane-the_monstrous_model-lowry_salford_june_4_paper_0.doc View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.